Rabbits are numerous and live a brisk active life. While working on this piece I became more and more aware of a rabbit's perspective. Dark underbrush is their refuge, on the edge of a meadow or lawn. Always on the lookout for danger while hunger drives it to explore. As I was working on this piece, rabbits seemed numerous and I became more aware of the balance of their sometimes brief life. Memories. Love. Hardship. Resilience.
I began this piece spring/summer 2022 - completed early winter of 2022. Just now I am writing about it. So much has happened. I find it fascinating when I look back at my finished art. What was happening and what has changed flashes through my mind. My paintings are milestones for me. While I was creating this piece, I began cherishing the little moments so much more.
However, I have not been idle. My interest in creating ranges from my paintings to creative collaborations.
Here is an overview:
Fall 2022, I began teaching art to high schoolers again. Our youth is our future. Learning and understanding the creative process is applicable in so many aspects of our lives.
Began some drawings for the next mammal - bobcats. Capturing their essence has been a challenge. I believe it is because they are so elusive.
I have begun designing the bird series into playing cards. This has been the goal with the whole series. Yet after some discussion with family and friends, it makes sense to move forward and start designing the birds to be a deck on their own. This process is helping figure out the “bigger picture”. Let me know your ideas and comments - I would love to hear your perspective!
Completed and worked on some intriguing commissions, Such as painting shoes for a pageant. I have also been asked to create concept drawings for one of the Mainstreet Projects in Duncannon (across from the Doyle Hotel).
Begun a painting based on the Jesse Tree (scripture Isaiah 11:1-1). It has been a piece I wanted to paint for a while.
Exhibited the "Nature vs Nature" painting plus some other pieces in the Romberger Gallery at the Ned Smith Art and Education Center from February until May 2022.
So yes - I am a bit all over the place!!! Plus I have begun a war on invasive plants, and nurturing the native, on our property. All that being said, at this moment, I have never felt more at peace.
This summer I plan on participating as a vendor at these two events: ~ Ned Smith Arts Festival on July 29th, at MYO Park, Millersburg, PA ~ Little Buffalo Festival on October 7th, at Little Buffalo State Park, Newport, PA With these shows, I will have my large prints, plus getting smaller ones created. I also plan on designing my art on more everyday items - such as mugs and sweatshirts. All trying to be more environmentally friendly in the process. Maybe even have a prototype of my playing cards available to see :)
The blog is not the only aspect of sharing that I have been neglectful of - yet I plan on getting better at these again. Social media is draining yet I do love sharing images quickly.
Instagram - I have two accounts:
https://www.instagram.com/csp.art/ - This is a public account where I try to keep it strictly the business of art and the creative process.
https://www.instagram.com/rootsrambling/ - Rootsrambling. This is a private account where I share real ramblings - plants, family, animals, and some art. Basically, the roots of all my inspirations. Please feel free to follow - I will accept most:)
Facebook - again, two - I have to have a business account to have an Instagram account - it is confusing.
c.s.pioArt - the business page, which is connected to my csp.art Instagram account
https://www.facebook.com/carolyn.pio - the usual private account
So much to do, yet also thankful. Maybe it is my age. I have become more appreciative of my to-do list. It represents a full life and the mental and physical abilities to take on these endeavors. Similar to this painting - continuity. Life is a balance on so many levels.
Thank you all for reading and support! I truly appreciate everything:)